Services & Rates

Service Zip Codes

Group 1 - 28409
Group 2 - 28403, 28412
Group 3 - 28428, 28405, 28401
Group 4 - 28411, 28449, 28429, 28451

Regular Services

15 Minute Drop-In Visit
G1 $15, G2 $20, G3 $25, G4 $30 per visit

30 Minute Drop-In Visit
G1 $25, G2 $30, G3 $35, G4 $40 per visit

45 Minute Drop-In Visit
G1 $31, G2 $36, G3 $41, G4 $46 per visit

1 Hour Drop-In Visit
G1 $35, G2 $40, G3 $45, G4 $50 per visit

House & Pet Sitting, Overnight Stay
G1 $70, G2 $80, G3 $90, G4 $100 per day

Waste Cleanup - Yard, Cage, or Coop
$25 per hour (min 1 hour)

Cage Cleaning/Sanitizing*
$30 per hour (min 1 hour)

Coop Cleaning/Sanitizing*
$40 per hour (min 1 hour)

*new bedding or liner must be provided by owner if installation is required

Add-On Services

Additional Animal for House Sitting
$5 per additional animal

$15 per bath

Complimentary Services Included with Booking*

Refill Water
Litter Box Cleaning
Rubs, Play, Attention, & Love

Water Plants
Bring in Mail
Take Out Trash
Feedback Reports
Pet Pictures
GPS Tracking of Walks

*All complimentary services are upon request and as long as time allows.


Multi-Visit/Night Discount 10%
(more than 3 booked at one time)

Please inquire about any services not listed and we will be happy to provide a quote.